MultiLingual May/June 2020 Focus on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
MultiLingual 5/6双月刊:人工智能如何改变内容供应链……以及你的工作
How AI is transforming the content supply chain…and your job
While nowadays many games publishers know that localization is the key to opening the door to international markets, there are still those who overlook another important process when designing a truly global game: culturalization.
Lilt Raises $25 Million Series B Led By Intel Capital。Funds Will Expand Development of AI-Powered Enterprise Translation Software and Additional Research on Natural Language Processing Technology。
悉尼的Ai-Media公司在获得670万美元的融资后,收购了芝加哥的另类通信服务公司(ACS)。Ai-Media首席执行长亚伯拉罕斯(Tony Abrahams)说,这笔交易将对公司在北美的销售增长形成补充。(两家同为语音识别解决方案提供商)
Sydney’s Ai-Media acquires Chicago’s Alternative Communication Services (ACS) LLC following USD 6.7m funding round. Ai-Media CEO Tony Abrahams says deal will complement company’s rapid organic sales growth in North America.
语言技术服务提供商Tilde在为欧盟理事会提供语言服务方面积累了大量的专业知识。TAUS采访了Tilde AI总监Mārcis Pinnis和机器翻译负责人Artūrs Vasiļevskis,了解关于这个正在进行的项目的挑战和机遇。
The language technology innovator and service provider Tilde has developed considerable expertise in providing language services to the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. We caught up with Mārcis Pinnis, Chief AI Officer, and Artūrs Vasiļevskis, Head of Machine Translation, to find out more about the challenges and promises of this ongoing project.
Wordbee第46期播客中,采访了Capital Translation的Lana Rachkovskaya,了解她在生命科学翻译方面的专业知识——一些有用的技巧以及为什么在开始生命科学本地化项目之前拥有一个主词汇表是至关重要的。(很多播客国内直接听不了,想听的小伙伴请留言,看看情况搬不搬)
In Wordbee new podcast, they talk to Lana Rachkovskaya, owner of Capital Translation, about her expertise on life science translation. Get some useful tips & learn why it's vital to have a master glossary before starting a project life-sciences localization
Memsource在5月14日举行的网络研讨会,介绍如何有效跟踪和衡量翻译项目。解决方案架构师和Memsource导师Jakub Janickovic将指导你通过报告、分析和数据可视化,实现翻译预算管理。
Discover how to track and measure your translation projects effectively in our upcoming webinar. Solution Architect and Memsource wizard, Jakub Janickovic, will guide you through reporting, analytics, and data visualization to help you take your translation budget further.
在困难时期,掌握你的网上展现以确保你吸引到理想类型的客户是至关重要的。加入Tess Whitty,了解你可以使用哪些平台和策略来吸引你的目标客户,包括你的网站、SEO和社交媒体。Tess还将分享她关于如何有效利用内容与在线客户进行互动的建议,以及如何让整个过程更快更简单。
In the difficult times, reviewing your online presence to ensure you attract the ideal kind of clients is vital.Join Tess Whitty to discover what platforms and strategies you can use to attract your ideal clients, including your website, SEO and social media. Tess will also share her top tips on how to use content to effectively engage with online prospects, and how to make the whole process faster and simpler.
Did you know that XTRF offer a University Program? It allows universities free access to their system for educational purposes. Help your students understand what the localization lifecycle looks like, and how technology can support it. Get in touch at for more information.